A little flickering light not in the shining distance at the end of the road here in the middle of us and the crowd around une toute petite lumière apenas uma pequenina luz una piccola ... in all the languages of the world a little flickering light shining uncertain but shining here in the middle of us between the hot breath of the crowd the wind of the hills and the breeze of the seas and the sour breath of those who do not see it they only guess it and they angrily blow. A small light wavering exact flickering firm which does not light just shines. They called it voice they heard it and it is mute. Mute as accuracy as firmness as justice Shining indefectible. Silent does not crackle does not consume does not cost money. It is not it that costs money. Does not also heats those who from cold come together. It also does not illuminate the faces that curve. Just shines twinkles waves. indefectible golden near. All is uncertain or false or violent: it shines. All is terror vanity stubborness pride: it shines. All is thought reality sensation knowledge: it shines. All is darkness or clarity against the same darkness: it shines. Ever since or never ever forever or not: shines. A little flickering and silent light As accuracy as firmness as justice. Just as them. But it shines. Not in the distance. On here in the midst of us. Shines. Jorge de Sena [OP translation]